Committable Concepts: Teaser Transcript

Hi, this is Jesse Mangan, host of the Committable Podcast. We're launching a new series for the podcast called Committable Concepts. With each episode of Committable Concepts, we're going to try and explain something related to the commitment process in three minutes or less. Topics such as what is a civil commitment?

What is an outpatient commitment?

Voluntary versus involuntary?

Lack of insight?

Do weekends and holidays count?

With Committable Concepts, we're going to try and explain all of these topics and more, and each episode will be three minutes or less. So if you like learning about mental health laws but can only take hearing my voice in short doses, I get it. I feel the same way. And Committable Concepts just might be the solution that both of us have been looking for.

Committable Concepts. Coming soon to a podcast feed near you.