S2 Episode 4: Looks Like Criminal Detention

Involuntary psychiatric detentions and civil commitments are legal processes that can deprive a person of their liberties and force them through systems that bring the potential for trauma. These practices were not designed around evidence, or empathy, so why are they legal? And what effect do these types of experiences have on the person being pushed through the system?

In this episode we interview Nev Jones and Molly Linhorst to better understand the legality of civil commitments and the potential impacts of forced hospitalizations.

To learn more about the ACLU of New Jersey and their efforts to protect civil liberties: https://www.aclu-nj.org/.

Nev Jones: https://ps.psychiatryonline.org/doi/abs/10.1176/appi.ps.202100263?journalCode=ps

Episode transcript: sensiblenonsense.squarespace.com/committables2-transcripts/2022/9/19/s2-episode-4-looks-like-criminal-detention

This episode of Committable was produced by Michelle Stockman, Cassidy Wilson, Jim McQuaid and Jesse Mangan.


All music is from the song Reasonable by Christopher G. Brown.
