S3: Maryland

In season 3 of Committable the hosts are going state by state to explore mental health laws throughout the US. In this episode we interview attorney Luciene Parsley about mental health laws in Maryland.

Luciene Parsley: https://disabilityrightsmd.org/

Episode Transcript:  sensiblenonsense.squarespace.com/committables3-transcripts/2023/1/9/s3-episode-6-maryland

Committable is produced by Michelle Stockman, Jim McQuaid and Jesse Mangan. https://sensiblenonsense.squarespace.com/committable

All music is from the song Reasonable by Christopher G. Brown. https://christophergbrown.bandcamp.com/track/reasonable

S3: Missouri

In season 3 of Committable the hosts are going state by state to explore mental health laws throughout the US. In this episode we interview attorney Elizabeth Satchell about mental health laws in Missouri.

Episode Transcript:  sensiblenonsense.squarespace.com/committables3-transcripts/2023/1/2/s3-episode-5-missouri

Committable is produced by Michelle Stockman, Jim McQuaid and Jesse Mangan. https://sensiblenonsense.squarespace.com/committable

All music is from the song Reasonable by Christopher G. Brown. https://christophergbrown.bandcamp.com/track/reasonable

S3: Virginia

In season 3 of Committable the hosts are going state by state to explore mental health laws throughout the US. In this episode we interview advocate Ren Faszewski about mental health laws in Virginia.

Ren Faszewski: https://www.dlcv.org/

Episode Transcript:  sensiblenonsense.squarespace.com/committables3-transcripts/2022/12/19/s3-episode-4-virginia

Committable is produced by Michelle Stockman, Jim McQuaid and Jesse Mangan. https://sensiblenonsense.squarespace.com/committable

All music is from the song Reasonable by Christopher G. Brown.https://christophergbrown.bandcamp.com/track/reasonable

S3: Alabama

In season 3 of Committable the hosts are going state by state to explore mental health laws throughout the US. In this episode we interview attorney James Tucker about mental health laws in Alabama. 

James Tucker: https://adap.ua.edu/

Episode Transcript: sensiblenonsense.squarespace.com/committables3-transcripts/2022/12/12/s3-episode-3-alabama-1

Committable is produced by Michelle Stockman, Jim McQuaid and Jesse Mangan. https://sensiblenonsense.squarespace.com/committable

All music is from the song Reasonable by Christopher G. Brown.https://christophergbrown.bandcamp.com/track/reasonable

S3: Pennsylvania

In season 3 of Committable the hosts are going state by state to explore mental health laws throughout the US. In this episode we interview attorney Brynne Madway about mental health laws in Pennsylvania.

Brynne Madway: https://www.disabilityrightspa.org/

DRP live intake line: (800) 692-7443

Episode Transcript:  sensiblenonsense.squarespace.com/committables3-transcripts/2022/12/5/s3-episode-2-pennsylvania

Committable is produced by Michelle Stockman, Jim McQuaid and Jesse Mangan. https://sensiblenonsense.squarespace.com/committable

All music is from the song Reasonable by Christopher G. Brown. https://christophergbrown.bandcamp.com/track/reasonable

S3: New York

In season 3 of Committable the hosts are going state by state to explore mental health laws throughout the US. In this episode they interview attorney Carolyn Reinach Wolf about mental health laws in New York.

Carolyn Reinach Wolf: https://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/10/nyregion/for-families-struggling-with-mental-illness-carolyn-wolf-is-a-guide-in-the-darkness.html

2009 AOT Independent Evaluation: https://static.prisonpolicy.org/scans/NYDPH-report.pdf

Episode Transcript: sensiblenonsense.squarespace.com/committables3-transcripts/2022/11/28/s3-episode-1-new-york

This episode of Committable was produced by Michelle Stockman, Jim McQuaid and Jesse Mangan. https://sensiblenonsense.squarespace.com/committable

With additional production help this episode by Brian Patick Williams.

All music is from the song Reasonable by Christopher G. Brown. https://christophergbrown.bandcamp.com/track/reasonable

S2 Episode 5: 988

While producing season 2 one of the most widely discussed changes to mental health interventions in the US has been the roll out of 988. 

But what is 988? How does it work? What has changed?

In this episode we interview Aneri Pattani, Rob Wipond, and Yana Calou about 988 and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. 

Aneri Pattani:


Rob Wipond:



Yana Calou:



Episode transcript: https://sensiblenonsense.squarespace.com/committables2-transcripts

This episode of Committable was produced by Michelle Stockman, Jim McQuaid and Jesse Mangan.


All music is from the song Reasonable by Christopher G. Brown.



Below are other hotlines and resources listed in Aneri Pattani’s article “Social Media Posts Criticize the 988 Suicide Hotline for Calling Police. Here’s What You Need to Know.

S2 Episode 4: Looks Like Criminal Detention

Involuntary psychiatric detentions and civil commitments are legal processes that can deprive a person of their liberties and force them through systems that bring the potential for trauma. These practices were not designed around evidence, or empathy, so why are they legal? And what effect do these types of experiences have on the person being pushed through the system?

In this episode we interview Nev Jones and Molly Linhorst to better understand the legality of civil commitments and the potential impacts of forced hospitalizations.

To learn more about the ACLU of New Jersey and their efforts to protect civil liberties: https://www.aclu-nj.org/.

Nev Jones: https://ps.psychiatryonline.org/doi/abs/10.1176/appi.ps.202100263?journalCode=ps

Episode transcript: sensiblenonsense.squarespace.com/committables2-transcripts/2022/9/19/s2-episode-4-looks-like-criminal-detention

This episode of Committable was produced by Michelle Stockman, Cassidy Wilson, Jim McQuaid and Jesse Mangan.


All music is from the song Reasonable by Christopher G. Brown.



S2 Episode 3: Hot Potato

Cassidy was handcuffed by police and brought to an ER where she was detained for evaluation. Part of that evaluation included a risk assessment, a clinical tool used to help navigate complex decisions about whether or not to involuntarily detain someone. But what is a risk assessment? How reliable are these tools and why do systems of involuntary detention seem to be built around them?

In this episode we speak to Tim Wand and Morgan Shields to try and better understand risk assessments and what role they play in psychiatric holds and civil commitments.

Morgan Shields:



Recommended reading from Tim Wand:


Episode transcript: sensiblenonsense.squarespace.com/committables2-transcripts/2022/9/6/s2-episode-3-hot-potato

This episode of Committable was produced by Michelle Stockman, Cassidy Wilson, Jim McQuaid and Jesse Mangan.


All music is from the song Reasonable by Christopher G. Brown.


S2 Episode 2: Precisely No

What is the history of crisis hotlines? What impact does police involvement have on the person perceived to be in distress? In this episode we continue to explore Cassidy’s story and speak to Hannah Zeavin and Jamie Livingston to try and better understand how these systems evolved and how they could be different.

Hannah Zeavin:




Jamie Livingston:


Episode transcript: sensiblenonsense.squarespace.com/committables2-transcripts/2022/8/30/s2-episode-2-precisely-no

This episode of Committable was produced by Michelle Stockman, Cassidy Wilson, Jim McQuaid and Jesse Mangan.


All music is from the song Reasonable by Christopher G. Brown.



S2 Episode 1: This is Not Care

Cassidy Wilson called a crisis hotline to ask for help. What she received was multiple police officers coming to her home, handcuffing her, and forcibly taking her to an ER for evaluation. That evaluation led to almost a week of involuntary detention. 

In Season 2 of Committable we explore Cassidy’s experiences and continue our journey to deconstruct the systems of psychiatric detention that make situations like this, and the trauma that they can cause, far too common.

Cassidy’s article: https://thechicagomaroon.com/28693/viewpoints/op-ed/forefront-medicine-summer-involuntary-hospitalization/

Episode transcript: sensiblenonsense.squarespace.com/committables2-transcripts/2022/8/23/s2episode-1transcript

This episode of Committable was produced by Michelle Stockman, Cassidy Wilson, Jim McQuaid and Jesse Mangan.


All music is from the song Reasonable by Christopher G. Brown.


Bonus: Eric Smith & Tom Burns

In this bonus episode we revisit outpatient commitments and community treatment orders with interviews featuring AOT Advocate Eric Smith and Emeritus Professor of Social Psychiatry Tom Burns. 

Committable is produced by Jesse Mangan, Jim McQuaid and Michelle Stockman.


All music is from the song Reasonable by Christopher G. Brown.



Bonus: Jen Niles

In this episode we talk with Jen Niles about her experiences navigating psychiatric medication and how those experiences have informed her current practices as an advocate and mediator.

Jen Niles:

Instagram: jenniles82

Twitter: @niles_jen

Holly Hardman's Film: https://www.asprescribedfilm.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jn311/

YouTube Channel:


Committable is produced by Jesse Mangan, Jim McQuaid and Michelle Stockman.


All music is from the song Reasonable by Christopher G. Brown.



Bonus: Jackie Pogue

In this bonus episode we talk with Jackie Pogue about Individual Placement and Support, a model of supported employment for people with disabilities.

IPS Employment Center: https://ipsworks.org/

 Committable is produced by Jesse Mangan, Jim McQuaid and Michelle Stockman.


 All music is from the song Reasonable by Christopher G. Brown.



Bonus: Oryx Cohen

In this bonus episode we speak with Oryx Cohen from the National Empowerment Center about alternatives to inpatient hospitalizations.


National Empowerment Center: https://power2u.org/

Warmlines: https://warmline.org/


Committable is produced by Jesse Mangan, Jim McQuaid and Michelle Stockman.



All music is from the song Reasonable by Christopher G. Brown.



S1 Episode 8: Living With It

And then what?

In the season one finale Jesse engages in conversations with friends and family about what it is like to live with these experiences.

Guests in this episode are:

Joanna Yip

Michelle Stockman

Tom Mangan

Susan Mangan

Jean Forward

Jim McQuaid

Committable Contributors for this episode are:

Brian Patrick Williams: https://bravelybrian.com/

Michelle Stockman

Episode transcript: https://sensiblenonsense.squarespace.com/committables1-episode-1transcript

Committable is produced by Jesse Mangan, Jim McQuaid and Michelle Stockman.


All music is from the song Reasonable by Christopher G. Brown.



S1 Episode 7: The Baker Act

What is the Baker Act?

In this episode Jesse interviews Bacardi Jackson from the Southern Poverty Law Center about The Baker Act, a mental health law in Florida that was used to involuntarily detain children over 37,000 times in one year.

Guests in this episode are:

Bacardi Jackson:


Southern Poverty Law Center:


Costly and Cruel:


Episode transcript: https://sensiblenonsense.squarespace.com/committables1-episode-1transcript

Committable is produced by Jesse Mangan, Jim McQuaid and Michelle Stockman.


All music is from the song Reasonable by Christopher G. Brown.



S1 Episode 6: Outpatient Commitments

What is an outpatient commitment?

Jesse interviews Brian Stettin and Sera Davidow about Assisted Outpatient Treatment.

Guests in this episode are:

Brian Stettin:


“Stopping The Revolving Door”: https://vimeo.com/26171883

Sera Davidow:


Episode transcript: https://sensiblenonsense.squarespace.com/committables1-episode-1transcript

Committable is produced by Jesse Mangan, Jim McQuaid and Michelle Stockman.


All music is from the song Reasonable by Christopher G. Brown.



S1 Episode 5: Origin of an Idea

Where did this idea come from?

Jesse interviews David Cohen about the origin and evolution of psychiatry.

Guests in this episode are:

David Cohen:


Article on Involuntary Psychiatric Detention:


Episode transcript: https://sensiblenonsense.squarespace.com/committables1-episode-1transcript

Committable is produced by Jesse Mangan, Jim McQuaid and Michelle Stockman.


All music is from the song Reasonable by Christopher G. Brown.

